Getting Started with Keyword Driven Testing: A Beginner’s Guide

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In the fast-evolving world of software testing, automation has become a critical component in improving efficiency, accuracy, and speed. One of the most widely adopted approaches in automated testing is Keyword Driven Testing (KDT). This methodology allows testers to create reusable test scripts by focusing on keywords representing different actions, making it easier for non-technical testers to participate in the automation process.

In this beginner’s guide, we will explore the key concepts of Keyword Driven Testing, how it works, and how you can get started with implementing it in your testing process.

What is Keyword Driven Testing?

Keyword Driven Testing (KDT) is a software testing methodology where test automation scripts are created using a set of predefined keywords. Each keyword represents a specific action, such as clicking a button, entering text, or verifying a condition. Instead of writing code for each test, testers can create sequences of keywords that drive the testing process. This approach abstracts the complexity of coding, making it accessible to non-developers.

For example, a test case for logging into a web application might use the following keywords:

  • OpenBrowser
  • EnterText (username)
  • EnterText (password)
  • ClickButton (login)

Each keyword is linked to an underlying function or method in the automation framework that executes the corresponding action.

Benefits of Keyword Driven Testing

Keyword Driven Testing offers several advantages that make it popular for automation:

  1. Ease of Use: Since test cases are created using keywords, even non-programmers or domain experts can contribute to writing tests. This democratizes the testing process and allows cross-functional teams to participate in test automation.
  2. Reusability: Keywords can be reused across multiple test cases, reducing redundancy and making the process more efficient. Once a keyword is defined, it can be applied to different scenarios without writing new code.
  3. Maintenance: Maintaining tests becomes simpler as updates to the underlying functionality can be done at the keyword level, rather than modifying individual test scripts.
  4. Separation of Logic and Data: KDT allows for a clear separation between test logic and test data, which improves test maintainability. Test data can be stored in external files, while the logic remains in the form of keywords.
  5. Scalability: As your application grows, your tests will need to scale. Keyword-driven testing simplifies this process by offering modular, reusable components that are easy to manage.

How Keyword Driven Testing Works

In Keyword Driven Testing, test execution is driven by keywords defined in external resources such as Excel sheets, XML files, or databases. These keywords map to underlying functions or methods that perform the actual actions during the test.

Here’s how it typically works:

  1. Define Keywords: Keywords are created to represent different actions or test steps. For example, you might define keywords like OpenBrowser, ClickButton, EnterText, or VerifyText. Each keyword corresponds to a specific action performed in the application under test.
  2. Create Test Cases Using Keywords: Instead of writing code, test cases are designed by arranging these keywords in a logical sequence. These sequences can be stored in external files, such as spreadsheets or text files.
  3. Map Keywords to Functions: In the background, each keyword is mapped to a function or method that handles the actual execution. For instance, the keyword ClickButton would map to a function in the automation framework that clicks a button on the web page.
  4. Execute Test Cases: The test automation tool reads the keywords and test data from the external files, processes them, and then executes the corresponding functions to perform the actions in the application under test.
  5. Log and Analyze Results: After the test is executed, the tool logs the results, allowing testers to analyze pass/fail statuses and identify any issues.

Steps to Get Started with Keyword Driven Testing

Now that you understand the basics, let’s go through the steps to get started with Keyword Driven Testing in your project.

1. Choose the Right Automation Tool

The first step is selecting the right automation tool that supports Keyword Driven Testing. Some popular tools and frameworks that support this approach include:

  • Selenium: Selenium is widely used for web automation and can be customized to support keyword-driven testing through integration with external files.
  • Katalon Studio: Katalon is an all-in-one test automation tool that comes with built-in support for keyword-driven testing.
  • QTP/UFT: HP’s QuickTest Professional (QTP) or Unified Functional Testing (UFT) offers built-in keyword-driven testing capabilities.
  • Robot Framework: An open-source test automation framework that supports both keyword-driven and data-driven testing.

2. Define Your Keywords

Once you have selected the tool, the next step is to define the keywords that represent the actions you want to automate. Start by identifying the core actions performed during testing, such as:

  • Navigating to a webpage (e.g., OpenBrowser)
  • Clicking buttons (e.g., ClickButton)
  • Entering text (e.g., EnterText)
  • Verifying text or elements (e.g., VerifyText)

Ensure that your keywords are concise and describe the action clearly. You can also create custom keywords to represent more complex actions specific to your application.

3. Create a Keyword Repository

A keyword repository is a collection of all the keywords and their corresponding actions. This repository serves as a central location for all the actions that your automation framework can perform. As your automation suite grows, you can continue to add new keywords and functions to this repository.

4. Create Test Cases Using Keywords

Test cases are created by sequencing the defined keywords into logical steps. For example, to create a test case for a user login scenario, you could define a sequence like this:

  • OpenBrowser
  • EnterText (username)
  • EnterText (password)
  • ClickButton (login)
  • VerifyText (WelcomeMessage)

Test cases can be stored in external files like spreadsheets or CSV files, making it easy to modify the test flow without changing the underlying code.

5. Map Keywords to Functions


Each keyword must be mapped to a function or method that performs the actual action in the application. For example, the ClickButton keyword would be mapped to a function in your automation framework that handles the button click event.

Here’s an example in Python using Selenium:


Copy code

def click_button(driver, element): driver.find_element_by_id(element).click()

def enter_text(driver, element, text): driver.find_element_by_id(element).send_keys(text)

These functions would then be called based on the keywords defined in your test cases.

6. Execute Your Tests

Once your keywords are mapped and your test cases are created, you can execute your tests by running them through your chosen automation tool. The tool will read the test case file, process the keywords, and execute the corresponding actions on the application.

7. Analyze the Results

After the tests are executed, analyze the test results to see which test cases passed or failed. Most automation tools provide detailed logs and reports that show the status of each test step, helping you identify any issues or failures.

Best Practices for Keyword Driven Testing

To make the most of Keyword Driven Testing, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Modularize Your Keywords: Create reusable and modular keywords that can be used across different test cases to save time and effort.
  • Separate Test Data from Test Logic: Store test data in external files, such as CSV or Excel, to keep your test cases flexible and easy to maintain.


Keyword Driven Testing is a powerful methodology that simplifies the test automation process by allowing testers to create reusable, modular test cases using predefined keywords. It’s particularly useful for non-programmers and cross-functional teams looking to contribute to the automation process.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can get started with Keyword Driven Testing, build efficient test scripts, and optimize your test automation process for scalability and maintainability. As you gain experience, you’ll discover how this approach can help streamline your testing efforts and improve overall efficiency.

Happy testing!

